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leanne Hullick-Reyes

The Bizzness of Kindness

My heart aches today for me, my child, and all the mommas and poppas putting on our brave everyday to parent our children with exceptional needs.

I must express this ache to feel it, let it be transformed and let it leave me so I do not continue to carry this pain.

I took my daughter to a dental professional yesterday. We have a difficult dental journey ahead of us. It is unknown and scary.

The dentist came in with little emotion, ready to conduct business. He did nothing to create rapport with my child, and then wondered why she did not really listen to his instructions in opening her mouth, etc. My daughter can feel energy and was responding to the energy. His conversation with me was straight to the point and at one point I asked him to ‘be gentle’ in the way he was talking to me. The conversation ended, he left the room and I cried. He was just conducting his bizzness. He will never know my path or my pain as a momma.

I cried and cried in front of my girl. We got burgers and fries and milkshakes and went to sit on a bench by the lake.

I am in the bizzness of kindness. I am learning to honour myself first, to be assertive with healthy boundaries, and give out kindness. I am so grateful to have had so many beautiful people shine the light for me as I navigate this unknown parenting path, helping my child in the best way possible.

I wish him all the success in his bizzness. I will never see him again. And now I know that I will ask questions of prospective future dentists such as “Are you kind? Are you caring or a tiny bit compassionate towards people who interpret the world differently?”

"What are you in the bizzness of? If it is not kindness then I got no time."

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