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leanne Hullick-Reyes

December 13th On Path Parenting – Priceless Gifts We Offer and Receive and November Reflections

Our November conversation focused on expanding our ideas of what it means to offer ourselves kindness beyond new lipstick or a bubble bath.

I am drawn to the cycles of mother earth so now that harvest is complete and I have celebrated my accomplishments, I am giving myself permission to sit down and reflect inward, my wintering. My self-care this month has been to clear some clutter but not in the physical sense. I have been carrying baggage with me this last year and from previous years and it is getting heavier and heavier, making it impossible to move forward with happiness and ease. So, I am giving myself permission to put down the heavy load of ‘ick’ scenarios and situations and heavy emotions. In my imagination, I see me carrying so many heavy suitcases. As I put them down to rest, once the suitcases touch the earth, the lessons float out weightless, and come forward alongside me as I continue walking on path with a light back-pack into 2024. 

I have been running old tapes and one example is a recurring thought of wondering why this one relationship in my life is not close and connected as it is supposed to be. I have been wishing for closeness for years. It has taken my time and energy and now I choose to accept it for what it is. I am choosing to eject the old tape on this one and put in a new tape of connection is easy with the right people.

With my Belief Re-patterning technique, I am able to create new beliefs that better serve me, lighten the load, and step into 2024 with wisdom and lightness in my step.

December 2023

On Path Parenting – Priceless Gifts of Gratitude, Love and Appreciation

Wednesday, December 13th, at 7:30pm

The holiday season is different for everyone and can change year to year. It can be an interweaving of sorrow and joy as well as well as dread and looking eye to eye at grief and loss.

In addition to the physical gifts we give and receive, there are priceless gifts that can surround us like a warm cozy blanket, if we are open and allowing. I have found that the more gratitude and appreciation I give to others, the better I feel. Give lots of priceless gifts to others and see the miracles unfold around you.

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